The air-conditioned Archaeological Storage Room

Here is a little-known function of museums: the preservation of artifacts from the past. But how can we preserve sensitive materials such as wood or leather for future generations? This question is essential! In order to make this mission a success, the Gallo-Roman...

Road transport under the Gallo-Romans

On the Roman roads, travelers can get around on foot, on horseback, or in an animal-drawn vehicle or cart. There are different vehicle models: – the cisium: light, consisting of two wheels, it allows people to move around – the raeda: its 4 wheels and its...

Visite éclair 5

Vous découvrez le cinquième objet de la visite éclair : Saint Arnould  Cette statue représente Saint-Arnould, le patron des Brasseurs. Connaissez-vous son histoire ? Arnould nait en 1040 dans les Flandres belges. Il entre dans les ordres et devient moine puis évêque...
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